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- Create Date August 13, 2021
- Last Updated August 13, 2021
IT & ITES Sector Export Plan Uganda 2015-2020
The focus of this export plan is to identify measures which will contribute to an increased participation of Ugandan IT & ITES companies in international markets, in the region and beyond. This will be achieved through a series of targeted measures ranging from structural measures (such as improving TSIs’ capacity in providing services to export-oriented SMEs) to specific business linkage initiatives, whereby selected companies will be brought into contact with prospects in international markets.
This plan takes into account the specific circumstances of the Ugandan IT & ITES industry, which cannot rely on a thriving local economy to stimulate its growth, ensuring the emergence of local champions. In the absence of a local demand pull, a more prudent business development plan needs to be considered to assist Ugandan companies in their export endeavours.